Shoplifting in Indiana revolves around the intent to permanently deprive a store of merchandise without paying the stated price. It's a crime often viewed as minor by the general public, but it carries significant legal consequences. Collateral consequences are also...
Nearly 20 Years Of Criminal Law Experience Defending The People Of South Bend
Year: 2023
Three things to know about Indiana law and domestic violence
Indiana officials are cracking down on domestic violence throughout the state. Lawmakers recently received a round of funding for efforts related to domestic violence and sexual assault. The funding goes to various sheriff and prosecutor offices as well as nonprofits...
2 ways for people to fight drug charges after a vehicle search
What starts out as a basic traffic stop in Indiana can sometimes escalate into a serious criminal matter for the driver or owner of a vehicle. If police officers find prohibited drugs or controlled substances in someone's vehicle, they will very likely arrest that...
Reasons a breath test could be inaccurate
When a breath test is administered, the goal is simply to measure a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). This determines if they are over the legal limit of 0.08%. If they are, it can be presumed that they are impaired. If they are not, the police may still...
When can you claim self-defense in response to a charge?
Any behavior that causes physical harm to someone else will likely lead to criminal charges under Indiana state statutes. You could find yourself accused of homicide or assault when the truth is that you simply wanted to protect yourself from someone else's criminal...